Success Story: Remote Water Meter Reading in Abu Dhabi


The Challenge

In Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, efficient water management is essential to address the challenges posed by its arid climate and rapid urban growth. The client was seeking a solution that enabled accurate, real-time remote water meter reading, optimizing operations, reducing costs, and ensuring data reliability within a distributed and complex infrastructure.

Smart Meters




Designed and Delivered Solution

Datakorum deployed a remote water meter reading solution in Abu Dhabi using its advanced IoT Gateways, which leverage NB-IoT and LTE-M technologies to ensure reliable connectivity. These Gateways, designed to handle multiple communication protocols used by various water meter brands, enabled seamless integration of heterogeneous devices into a centralized network. Additionally, their ability to transmit data in the format and timeframe specified by the client enabled real-time data validation, optimizing transmission and ensuring accurate information. The solution provided the client with a scalable and efficient infrastructure, designed to meet the demands of a constantly growing city.

Transformative Results

Accuracy and Reliability

Accurate and real-time water consumption data, reducing manual errors and enhancing decision-making

Operational Optimization

Automated readings that minimized field visits and improved response times for customers

Efficiency in Resource Management

Ability to identify leaks and anomalous water usage through advanced data analytics

Guaranteed Scalability

Easily expandable solution to other areas of Abu Dhabi, enabling additional services based on data insights

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