Success Story: Remote Operation of Electric Meters in Abu Dhabi

Remote control

The Challenge

The electric utility company in Abu Dhabi faced the need to streamline the management of smart meters to enhance customer experience and optimize operations.

It was essential to have a solution that enabled on-demand commands, such as activating or deactivating meters, reconfiguring tariffs and billing cycles, or adjusting power thresholds, all remotely.

This capability needed to eliminate the reliance on technical field visits, reduce response times, and provide greater flexibility in managing electrical resources.

Datakorum's OMNI IoT Gateways

Designed and Delivered Solution

Datakorum implemented a solution based on its advanced IoT Gateways, designed to maximize the capabilities of smart meters using DLMS and EURIDIS protocols. The technology enabled instant remote access to over 200 key registers per meter, allowing the execution of commands to enhance service quality.

Additionally, advanced functionalities were enabled, including real-time reading of instantaneous values and load profiles, firmware updates, and configuration of payment and metering modes. With 150,000 meters currently managed in Abu Dhabi, this solution has not only optimized the operations of electric utilities but also significantly enhanced the customer experience.


Transformative Results

Streamlined Management

Remote execution of commands such as activation/deactivation and contracted power adjustments without the need for technical personnel on-site

Enhanced Customer Experience

Quick response to requests and personalized adjustments based on user needs

Operational Efficiency

Cost and time reduction through remote control of critical functions

Flexibility and Scalability

Solution deployed across 150,000 meters, designed to scale for future growth and deliver new functionalities

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