Remote Operation of Smart Electricity Meters

Remote Operation of Smart Electricity Meters

Our IoT gateways leverage the advanced features of most smart electricity meters, providing instant remote access to over 200 different records.

These data are securely transmitted via NB-IoT and LTE-M to the management platform, enabling efficient remote control and the ability to operate the meter when needed.

This enables quick detection of supply incidents and errors, optimizes energy management, and promotes efficiency and sustainability in energy resource usage.

Advantages of Remote Operation of Electricity Meters

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Our solutions enable comprehensive remote operation of electricity meters, offering key functionalities for electric utility companies.

These include instant disconnection and reconnection of supply, tariff and billing cycle reconfiguration, and voltage threshold adjustments to improve power quality.

Key features also include instant value readings and load profile analysis for real-time insights, firmware updates, and configuration of payment and metering modes, ensuring efficient and secure control of the electrical system.

This capability enhances operational efficiency, optimizes resource utilization, enables rapid incident detection and resolution without the need for physical interventions, and provides greater flexibility and control over energy consumption, quickly adapting to market and user needs.

Integrated data reading and transmission with leading meter manufacturers

Cutting-Edge Two-Way Communication

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Our devices can interact with electricity meters using DLMS and EURIDIS protocols.

  • DLMS (Device Language Message Specification) enables interoperability and efficient energy data collection, based on the IEC 62056 standard.

  • EURIDIS is primarily used for remote meter reading, ensuring secure and efficient communication between meters and centralized management systems.

Both protocols ensure accurate data collection and the integration of systems from different manufacturers, enhancing electrical grid management.

Equipped with the same features as our remote meter reading solutions, our devices ensure instant and secure two-way communication via NB-IoT and LTE-M.

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Success story in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) is already harnessing the power of on-demand remote command execution: remotely activate or deactivate meters, reconfigure tariffs and billing cycles, or adjust power thresholds

It’s not science fiction, it’s reality! Find out how we’ve done it.

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