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Smart Water Summit, the largest event on digitalisation in the water sector, was attended by the Founder and CEO of DATAKORUM, Guillermo Escobar Daroca.

Nov 3, 2021 | news

Smart Water Summit, the largest event on digitalisation in the water sector, was attended by the Founder and CEO of DATAKORUM, Guillermo Escobar Daroca, in a session on IoT and connectivity, in a context of undisputed consolidation of digitalisation as a pillar of water management.

The explosion of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is largely based on the intuitive adaptation and intelligent automation of the Internet of Things in all industrial activities. The water sector has been no stranger to this boom and countless players are already applying sensor-based technologies to manage their operations intelligently.

He began his speech by talking about the future of water management and how the water sector “must live up to the task” to provide services that users are used to receiving from other platforms and in real time: “The digital transition must have a primary objective: 21st century water users expect 21st century services”.

At Datakorum we are specialists in guaranteeing the connection of assets that find it difficult to be connected to the management platform, and we consider connectivity as a service, the first level being digitalisation: “No asset can be left unconnected”.

Escobar considers that “if we do not manage to guarantee the data so that all the analysis processes and algorithms work correctly, we create digital transformation on very fragile foundations”, and he highlighted Spain’s role in digitisation, stressing that our country can lead the digital transformation, as we have large leading companies in the water sector and the change has already begun: “It is urgent that in Spain we have large tractor projects that allow the water sector to lead this digital transformation”.

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