Request your free PoC*

Witness the benefits immediately

in just 5 easy steps:

  1. Fill in the form now and we will contact you to start your digital transformation.
  2. You will receive one of our gateways to connect it to your meter or sensor.
  3. Follow the installation procedure according to the communication protocol used by your device.
  4. Sign up for Datakorum’s Trango IoT middleware platform.
  5. Customize the Platform to receive the data.

* Free PoC limited to 1 gateway for 3 months

* indicates required

Datakorum’s 5G remote Smart Metering

During the Proof of Concept (PoC), DATAKORUM will provide a PIPE Gateway with 5G communication (NB-IoT / LTE-M). 
By Using this Gateway the user will be able to connect any meter (Pulses,M-Bus or Modbus)  from the water network and/or another sensor (4/20mA or Modbus) to our online Trango IoT middleware. As soon as the Gateway is properly configured and connected, the data from the water meter will be available at the Trango IoT middleware.

PIPE Gateway Series’s Main features: 

  • 5G-IoT communications (NB-IoT / LTE-M)
  • Up to 10 years of battery life time
  • Firmware update  Over-The-Air (OTA)
  • Configurable data sending and data polling
  • Datalogger
  • Alarms
  • Multi-Protocol Inputs
  • Integrated pressure sensor (PIPE20P)
  • REED switch
  • Security tamper
  • TRANGO IoT Middleware Platform

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Gracias por su interés

Rellene el formulario y nuestros técnicos le ayudarán a llevar su infraestructura al siguiente nivel

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