The Consell of Mallorca installs Datakorum’s first mobile vehicle capacity control station in cala Deià

Jul 24, 2020 | news

The Consell of Mallorca installs the first Datakorum mobile vehicle capacity control station in cala Deià

This is a pilot test as part of the Smart Island project, which plans to have four more stations in different locations on the island.

The Department of Mobility and Infrastructures of the Consell de Mallorca has begun testing the Datakorum vehicle gauging control system in cala Deià, which provides real-time information on car occupancy in the area.

The system is designed to control the capacity of vehicles on dead-end roads, or roads that have a complicated exit or few parking spaces. The mobile station has an integrated radar that registers the passage of vehicles, this information is sent to the cloud platform that calculates the car occupancy and sends it back to the variable information panel, warning drivers of the level of congestion in the area.

The aim is to avoid a massive influx of vehicles on these roads that generate congestion in protected areas. In addition to monitoring the information in real time and providing information on the traffic situation, the platform stores a record of historical data for subsequent statistical analysis.

The project is part of the Smart Island platform, 100% financed by through FEDER funds, which aims to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Mallorca and regulate tourist activity through technological actions.

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