The Costa Dulce beach in Orellana La Vieja is now equipped with Datakorum’s intelligent management system.

Jul 2, 2020 | news

The Costa Dulce beach in Orellana La Vieja is now equipped with Datakorum’s intelligent management system.


The Badajoz Provincial Council has relied on Telefónica and Datakorum technology to obtain data on capacity, noise levels, weather information and water consumption at the beach facilities.

Each solution installed has a sensor device that sends the data wirelessly to the platform, where it is visualised and stored for subsequent analysis, with the possibility of establishing alerts and associated alarms.

Capacity control is carried out through cameras equipped with artificial intelligence installed at the beach accesses, which count the number of people entering and leaving the beach.

Our BEAT precision sound level meter monitors the noise level in the area, alerting the platform when the established maximum levels are exceeded.

Atmospheric data is obtained on-site via a smart weather station, providing air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed, amount, intensity and type of precipitation, UV index and global radiation.

The water consumption of the showers and beach services is obtained through a PIPE device connected to the general flow meter of the facilities.

All data are collected in the FIWARE platform and in the Intelligent Management platform developed by Datakorum, allowing the council to control what is happening in the bathing area.

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