Transforming data into smart data

Transforming data into smart data

BALTORO Platform, End to End solution for the digitisation of small water utilities Transforming data into smart data Cities are home to the largest number of inhabitants. with more than half of the world’s population now living in cities with more than 300,000...
The 7 myths of the digital transformation of infrastructure

The 7 myths of the digital transformation of infrastructure

The 7 myths of the digital transformation of infrastructure Myth 1 The digital transformation of infrastructure requires the replacement of all existing instruments with new devices that integrate IoT communications. Instrumentation does not need to be updated to...
The iPhone of water is Spanish

The iPhone of water is Spanish

The iPhone of water is Spanish And it is already enjoying great success in the most advanced 5G deployments around the world. Datakorum Solutions, a Valencian start-up specializing in infrastructure optimization, has developed a communications platform that opens a...

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